PMMJ (cheetahmaster) wrote,

Sunday, Sunday

Thanks to the generosity of a couple close friends, we were able to attend the RenFest this afternoon, to help celebrate t1tdave's birthday celebration. We caught the Johnny Fox show, which is still good times, did a little walking around, hung out at the White Hart, etc. Glad we could make it, wished we'd had more time to spend with friends. The usual. Fokls had fun, though.

Also, Z. was very excited to get her face painted:

She's already expressed sadness that we're going to have to wash it off before school tomorrow. Such is the way of the world.

Tags: 2008, bebe, pics

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  • relevant to my interests

    "The Secret Douglas Adams RPG people have been playing for 15 years."

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    "This actually fits with everything Obama has been doing lately: neither his legislative proposals nor his executive actions have been world shaking.…

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