PMMJ (cheetahmaster) wrote,

OK, one more

"I can't believe McCain wants to suspend the debate. You can't suspend the democratic process because we're facing problems. At what point do you think, then, well, 'maybe we should suspend the elections? We'll have the elections later?' Some people have done that before: Castro did it, Napoleon did it, Julius Caesar did it. You can't do that. If you like it or not, the campaign is part of the democratic process ...You wanna take your time off, that's fine, but you don't say we're suspending the campaign. You can't say that. It's the democratic process. We didn't suspend it for 9/11, we didn't suspend it for Pearl Harbor, we didn't suspend it for the Nazis, we didn't suspend it for the damn British. We don't do that in America." -Craig Ferguson

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