A special shout-out goes to paleotheist for her delicious rice krispy cubes. After the movie, M. and I scared everyone off by threatening to show 3000 Miles to Graceland.
Yesterday, lemonruss came over to hang out in the afternoon. Board games were played, good conversation was had. In the evening, Mr. Orochena, who no longer has an LJ, swung by. More hanging-out, pizza, and general fun. Yay for friends willing to drive over to visit with us!
Finally finished that gaming article I've been hemming and hawing over for, like, months. Not my best work, admittedly, but it's done.
Today and tomorrow, M. and I have nothing to do, and not a lot of money to do it with. So, no catching up on movies, but more hanging out around the house it seems. Currently, laundry. Next weekend: the return of Z., the world-traveler.