PMMJ (cheetahmaster) wrote,

lightning round

Friday: After work, a most excellent Fourth of July party at the house of safetypup and girlie47. I train to bus out there, and the ride wasn't all that bad (and my hosts graciously let me shower once I arrived, heh.) Once again, too many cool people there to catch up with everyone, but it was fun trying. And I have to admit, watching the fireworks with a horde of cool people singing the Canadian National Anthem, Rocky Horror, and other comedy. Most excellent. There were some other non-sanctioned fireworks, which was entertaining as well. No one lost any fingers, either. And, per my habit, I passed out on the couch.

Saturday: Worked some more, jetted over to Virginia to check out the new pad of skkyechan and nalroth. We hiked over for some tasty Chinese fusion Mexican, then stayed up late chatting. Also, I fell asleep on a couch. Good times!

Sunday: Returned the rental car, Metro'ed home. M.'s family came over, we played cool card games and the Robo Rally, and M. cooked a tasty dinner. Relaxing and fun.

Today: At work for a bonus Cisco class. Tonight, hanging with dreamerdevie and elizardaa.

Rest of the week: Equally interesting. More class this week at work, could be cool. Anything going on tomorrow night, by any chance?

Tags: 2008, gaming, not news

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