PMMJ (cheetahmaster) wrote,

good reading today

"I try to document what I see. But there is less to see. First the hospitals and morgues became off limits for journalists, then the car bomb scenes, next the wounded Americans, then the Iraqi detainees, then memorials for the U.S. dead, U.S. equipment damaged in battle. The visual evidence of war shrinks."

Ooh. Yoo's 2003 memo on 'interrogation' is finally revealed. Good analysis from Andrew Cohen and Jay Carney.

* How American ignorance of Islam has been our fatal flaw.
* 'A look inside Al Qaeda'
* "Saudi Arabia remains the world's leading source of money for Al Qaeda and other extremist networks."
* The Pentagon is planning to close its controversial intelligence office.
* Joe Klein questions McCain's Iraq plans.
* 'The cowardice and intolerance of slapping a Darwin fish on your car bumper.'
* Neat. New showing of the art of Takashi Murakami.

Tags: 2008, news, quotes

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