Got some great news recently, but it's sekrit, so I have to hold on to it. As you can tell from this mention, this isn't one of my strong suits.
Work hasn't been as bad as I expected. I thinK I'm more run-down than most people here.
Only the Baroness came by last night, so she got some quality bebe-holding time in. It was very cute, I have to confess. We opted out of the planned gaming, and after dinner watched A&E's Biography on Buffy, which was very, very lame. It was like a fifth grader's book report on the show, with little to no insight, and not nearly any backstage dirt. Very boring, I highly don't recommend anyone borrow it from me (since I taped it.) (But, I did get the Prom episode on tape right before it, so, yay.)
Afterwards, we watched Mister Frost. Not one of Jeff Goldblum's finer works, but an adequate watch. However, as I haven't seen it in like ten years, I forgotten how 80's it is, and how well, poorly-lit everything is. Oh, and Alan Bates!
Tonight, some gaming (War Machine and Heroclix @ Dream Wizards) followed by a diner visit. Really, the morale of the story is, I need more time to spend with my friends. But this isn't a new complaint.
More news to follow, but let's start with the CBS fall lineup and ABC revives TGIF. Also, a quick story on trying to find the next big sitcom.
CD playing: St. Etienne, "Stormtroopers in Drag"
Fortune Cookie: "You will be called upon to help a friend in trouble."