A - Act your age? If that includes video games and toy soldiers and cartoons and comic books, then sure.
B - Born on what day of the week? Tuesday. Election day, to be precise.
C - Chore you hate? Oh, so many to list, but I'll say paying bills.
D - Dad's name? John Peter.
E - Essential makeup item? Uh, a hairbrush?
F - Favorite actor? Bruce Campbell or Jude Law or Christian Bale or...
G - Gold or silver? Silver.
H - Hometown? Either Bowie, MD or Summerville, SC. I was born in State College, PA, however.
I - Instruments you play? None. I come from a family with no musical gene.
J - Job title? I think it's still Senior Technician, NOCC.
K - Kids? Until recently, my joke here would be "None that I *know* of!" Now, I can say, one daughter, Zoe Rose.
L - Living arrangements? Townhouse, renting.
M - Mom's name? Patricia Louise.
N - Number of people you've slept with? More than ten, less than twenty.
O - Overnight hospital stays? One, but it wasn't mine.
P - Phobia? Submerged in water. Though I think it's a rational fear.
Q - Quote you like? Here's a zillion to choose from which to choose.
R - Religious affiliation? Raised Catholic, leaning Buddhist these days.
S - Siblings? One older sister (Ripper,) one younger sister (Patches.)
T - Time you wake up? Somewhere between 6:15 and 7, depending on alarm clock and el gato.
U - Unique habit? (Man, define "unique" in this context.) Visualizing fight scenes in my every day life with oldies songs playing in the background.
V - Vegetable you refuse to eat? Hmmm. There are some of which I am less fond, but none I refuse to eat. I'm getting less picky in my old age.
W - Worst habit? Forgetting, oh, everything.
X - X-rays you've had? Lots, mostly dental. I have never broken a bone, though.
Y - Yummy food you make? Spaghetti and lemon pepper chicken, when I don't screw them up.
Z - Zodiac Sign? Scorpio, and proud of it.