"A bitterly divided U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday issued what is likely to be a landmark opinion - ruling that race cannot be a factor in the assignment of children to public schools."
* I am really disgusted by the administration's use of no-bid contracts.
* And the immigration bill is dead.
* David S Broder on Cheney's role.
* Congress thinks it deserves a pay raise.
* Harold Meyerson on the realities of globalization.
* Ann Coulter, Democratic fundraiser.
* Why possums are good for the garden.
* Fashion empress Liz Claiborne passed away.
Bored with this summer's movies already? Slate looks ahead to the blockbusters of 2008.
The art of the action movie one-liner. (Courtesy warmaster.)
A look at the new comic book series Stephen Colbert's Tek Jansen.