PMMJ (cheetahmaster) wrote,

this, that

"The U.S. military is walling off at least 10 of Baghdad's most violent neighborhoods and using biometric technology to track some of their residents, creating what officers call 'gated communities' in an attempt to carve out oases of safety in this war-ravaged city."

"The Bush administration has conceded that Wiccans are entitled to have the pentacle, the symbol of their faith, inscribed on government-issued memorial markers for deceased veterans." (Courtesy ceciskittle.)

"The U.S. Office of Special Counsel is expanding its investigation of a January videoconference, conducted by Karl Rove's deputy for General Services Administration appointees, to look at whether the political dealings of the White House have violated the Hatch Act." (More from the LATimes here.)

"Maryland State Police, along with police in Fairfax and Montgomery counties, the U.S. Park Police and some divisions of the Virginia State Police, are among the agencies that have embraced so-called tactical medicine, embedding paramedics and even physicians into special operations teams in the hope of saving lives."

"Federal regulators, concerned about the effect of television violence on children, will recommend that Congress enact legislation to give the government unprecedented powers to curb violence in entertainment programming"

"This really is about positive discrimination, in women's favour. Our religion says there should be no public contact between men and women, this modesty barrier must not be broken."

The dramatic return of Gene Weingarten.
Tags: news

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