"Testimony should be on the record and under oath. That's the formula for true accountability." -Sen. Leahy
"...There's really no longer any excuse for letting President Bush get away with carefully parsed denials, hairsplitting and non-answers."
The passive-aggressive use of hard copy.
* "Once executive privilege is asserted, coequal branches of the government are set on a collision course."
* One of the fired attorneys speaks out in his own defense.
* Wouldn't you want to know if the doctor prescribing you drugs was getting kickbacks from the drug company?
* Weird. Anti-war protesters, on patrol in the streets of DC.
* Politics, meet YouTube. It's going to be a weird election.
* "...The discovery is the first definitive evidence that some dinosaurs dug dens and cared for their young in such structures."
* The Swiss are digging the world's longest tunnel under the Alps.
* Ira Glass brings This American Life to Showtime.
* Meet the DC Rollergirls.
Whoah: the hidden past of Grimace.
Boom Studios hits big in comic books without tights or capes.
Sequential Tart interviews Order of the Stick's Rich Burlew.